Easy To Follow Ideas About Taking Care Of Cats


There’s nothing like having a pet. There are many kinds of pets, but there’s a special one that has warmed the hearts of many pet owners. Cats are great companions for your home. If you want to care for one, read this article for tips related to caring for cats.

Though things may appear to be fine, you should always schedule regular medical checkups for your feline pet. Your cat should have regular well visits, as well as all the recommended vaccinations for his age. Your cat will be more comfortable if you continue using the same vet. This is because this person will know your cat and the history of the animal.

Play with your cat using proper cat toys. Cats love toys that help them feel like the predators that they think they are. Try sticking with toys that help them dance around or jump. This can also help them use extra energy by pouncing on toys instead of people’s feet.

To keep your cat happy and healthy, its important to schedule regular visits to the vet. Not only are regular checkups good for catching problems early, but regular visits can insure that your cat keeps up to date on its vaccinations. If you don’t know when the last time your cat had its shots, schedule an appointment for booster shots as soon as possible.

Clip your cats nails regularly. Cats do have to scratch. However, when cats scratch, their nail sheaths come off and their sharp, pointy claws are exposed. Clipping your cat’s claws every two to three weeks keeps them blunt and helps keep harm to furniture, humans, and other pets to a minimum.

Feed your cats proper food. Remember that cats must eat meat. Only give your cats cat food to eat. Do not feed them or let them eat dog food. Dogs and cats have different nutritional needs and some of the ingredients in dog food could harm your cat. Feeding your cat dog food for food could also lead to malnourishment, among other issues.

If your cat kicks litter all over the floor, simply use a bigger container. A large, roomy tote with high sides makes a good litter box. A big round tub also makes a good litter box. A restaurant size bus tub is a capacious litter box. Providing higher sides and more space will solve your cat’s litter kicking problem.

Keep the litter box clean. Cats are naturally very clean animals, and a dirty litter box will have your cat looking for alternative places to relieve himself. Cats also value their privacy, so try to locate the box in an area that does not get a lot of foot traffic.

Your cat needs good play time. Playing is a very common activity shared by most animals. An aging cat may not have as much energy as a kitten, however it will still enjoy a little light playtime. Make sure you play with your cat at least once a day.

If your cat has bad breath, a trip to the vet is in order. Bad breath in cats can be a red flag for tooth decay or more serious conditions. These include diabetes, stomach problems and lung disorders. So, if your cat’s breath smells worse than the food he eats, get to the bottom of the issue before it gets out of control.

If you notice that your cat has stopped using its litter box, you’ll want to contact your vet. Health problems may be causing your cat to urinate in places other than their litter box. A potential bladder or kidney infection may be the reason for this. Speak with your vet if your pet stops using the litter box.

Your kittens don’t want dirty mouths either, so take a toothbrush and clean those gums everyday before breakfast. Without proper brushing, cats can catch diseases, infections, and suffer serious side effects. A few minutes daily keeps these teeth healthy, strong, and sparkling. You should ask a veterinarian how to properly brush your cat’s teeth.

If you are planning to go back to work after being home with your cat all the time, it’s possible he may get quite lonely there without you. Get another cat if you would like to be certain your cat isn’t bored.

Cats can get sick, too. You should be able to recognize when your cat does not feel well. Because a cat can go downhill rather quickly, it’s important to take them to the vet as soon as possible. This is the best way to rule out any serious illnesses.

When listening to your favorite music, keep in mind that your cat’s hearing is much more sensitive than your own. Music with high pitched treble and thumping bass are particularly difficulty for your cat, so keep the volume low. To please your cat and help him relax, play something with a slower tempo.

You might be leery about having your cat fully vaccinated, especially when they are strictly indoors. Rabies shots are important because you never know what critter might sneak into your house. Talk to your vet about the other vaccines. They will be able to help you determine what is healthiest for your cat.

Cats often do best indoors where they can be kept safe. Cats left outside have significantly lower lifespans, and are susceptible to many diseases and parasites. Certain of the diseases can spread to humans as well. Your indoor cat will be happy if it has a warm and sunny spot to sunbathe in or a window to look out of.

As stated before, many pets exist, but few are as special as the cat. They are perfect for anyone looking for a new friend to occupy their home. There is some work associated with caring for cats, but it’s no trouble for you. If you use this article, cat care can be a piece of cake.