Guidelines About Cats That Are Very Easy To Understand


A cat can make a welcome addition to your family. Cats are enjoyed as pets by millions, but they need to be taken care of properly. Parasites can compromise your pet’s health. Read these tips to help your cat live a long and healthy life.

Groom your cat. A cat requires regularly brushing and combing. Brushing rids your cat’s coat of dirt and helps keep them clean. It’s also helpful in reducing how much cats shed and how often they spit out those dreaded hairballs. Regularly grooming your cat will help keep it and your home looking great.

You should be bringing your cat to their vet for a check-up regularly. Your vet will provide your cat with the shots it needs to prevent disease. Your vet can also check the overall health of your cat. Try to stay with the same veterinarian throughout your pet’s life. This way they will know your cat’s history the best.

Let kittens and cat-friendly pet dogs get to know each other slowly. Put up a baby gate to keep dogs in one room while your new kitten gets used to its surroundings. Supervise carefully when the kitten ventures to the gate to meet the dogs. When the kitten feels safe, it will climb the gate. If it feels threatened, it will pop right back out to safety.

If your cat is picky about drinking water, invest in a cat fountain. These battery operated or plug in fountains keep water circulating and aerated. Many cats prefer this. A cat fountain will help keep your cat out of the kitchen sink and the toilet. It will also help prevent your cat from pawing water onto the floor in search of fresh water.

Get a scratching post to keep your cat from tearing up your carpet. If you can, get a post that does not have the same type of carpet that is on the floor of your home, so your cat doesn’t associate the two. Instead, get a post that is covered in cardboard, sisal, or thick rope.

If you don’t want your cat to scratch up furniture, try filling a small spray bottle with water and spritzing your cat whenever he tries. Cats generally avoid water altogether for reasons no one is sure about, so he will not like this. Eventually he will stop scratching to avoid getting sprayed.

Wash your cat’s bed at least once a week to remove all of the bacteria from it. Even if the bed looks like it is clean, it will usually have toxins in it that can cause your pet to become sick. Replace the bed every six months to keep your cat in a sanitary environment.

If you want to have your cat for many years, it is a good idea to keep them indoors. While a cat may enjoy going outside, it is statistically proven that outdoor cats live shorter lives than indoor cats. There are dangers to a cat that spends time outside, not least of all other animals.

If your cat has a tendency to eat your plants, you can stop him. You can either purchase bitter apple spray and spray the pot, or you can put a bit of clove oil on a cotton ball and bury it a bit in the soil. Your cat will avoid both.

Find a litter that your cat enjoys. Different litters have different smells and textures, so help your cat to find a litter that he is generally comfortable with using. Cats generally like to keep things the same though, so don’t experiment too often or your cat may avoid the litter box.

If you notice that your cat is not using the litter box as much as usual, you should go and take them to a vet right away. There are several health problems that can cause the cat to stop using the box. These issues include bladder problems, constipation and diarrhea.

While a torn up scratching post might look unattractive, do not get rid of it. Cats love them! Tossing it and getting a new one may cause your cat to find something old to scratch like your furniture.

Many people do not realize that it is perfectly normal for you to take cats on walks so they can get exercise and fresh air. There are special harnesses made for you to use with your cat. If you use the type that were made for dogs, there is a chance your cat can get away.

Most cats are prone to wax build up and ear mites. You can purchase a solution at the pet store that will clean out your cats ears. You put a couple drops in each of your cats ears and then hold them closed while massaging them for a minute. When you let go, stand back or you will get covered in the liquid when your cat shakes its head.

When a dog wags its tail, the reason is because it is happy for some reason. When a cat wags its tail, it means something very different. Cats wag tails if they sense conflict, or if they’re trying to decide whether to fight or flee. If you’re snuggling your kitty and you see its tail wag, it’s a sign you should put it down before you get scratched.

Cats are really good at smelling, and that means they’re good at figuring out if something in their environment has changed. This is why it is sometimes difficult to get them to use something new, like a bowl or cat toy. Don’t let this discourage you. Your cat will begin using it as soon as he is used to its smell.

Cats can have medical problems, just like humans. Parasites will remain with your cat until taken care of. By using the advice shared here, you can help your pet to remain parasite free. Your cat will be happy that you did.